Amid an unprecedented rise in the number of people working from home, many of us are reminded of why we loved going into the office so much. Having a space dedicated to getting your work done is important to maintain a sense of wellness and efficiency at work.
The Centre Escondido is open with offices for rent ready to welcome you and your team! Read on to learn more about the benefits of renting an office space!
No Household Distractions
If there’s one thing that the era of the Zoom meeting has shed light on, it’s the chaos of the home environment. Managing a schedule of when your housemates—be them significant others, children, or pets—need to be quiet feels like a full-time job in and of itself.
Plus, getting your work done for the day with a comfy couch and a new Netflix show begging for your attention only feet away makes it difficult to focus on what’s in front of you. Renting an office creates a space that tells your brain, “we’re here to work,” and keeps those household distractions out of sight and out of mind.
Healthy Work-Life Balance
80% of young professionals admit to having worked in bed before. Your brain associates your sleeping space with sleep and relaxation; bringing your workspace into your relaxing space weakens that association and makes it extremely difficult to pull your mind out of work mode and into leisure mode.
Working at home makes us feel like we’re always at work, so carving out a workspace in a beautiful corner office is a far better alternative to working from a space as precious as the one you live in!
Increased Productivity
Working from home makes it difficult to prioritize tasks. This study suggests that when we have less-exciting tasks on our to-do lists, we’re more likely to step away from them in favor of a more exciting activity like walking the dog or getting a head start on dinner. Bringing your work into the office keeps you focused on what’s essential while you’re getting the job you need to finish done!
There’s no relationship quite like that between you and your best work friends. Having an office space creates an environment to come together, foster those relationships, and deepen your network.
We are hardwired as a social species to make these connections, and having a beautiful office to create them is part of what makes going to work such a joy. The office is the center of company culture, and creating a welcoming one can make your team, as a whole, more creative, enthusiastic, and productive.
Room to Grow
Renting an office is perfect for small businesses that know expansion is coming but aren’t quite ready to buy an entire office building. A small team needs a space to come together and work towards growth, and having the flexibility to flourish is vital to any company.
Collaborative Spaces
Collaborative spaces breed innovation and the best place to work together is—well—together.
When we try to collaborate from home, it’s easier to get lazy in group projects and skirt communication. Face-to-face interaction is the best way to throw ideas around, bounce new concepts off coworkers, and come to creative solutions as a unit.
Workspaces are there to bring teams together to get better, bigger, and stronger. But don’t take our word for it—move your team into a beautiful office and watch your company blossom. We cannot wait to welcome you to The Centre’s business family.